Frequently Asked Questions

We believe it is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth and the right of every child to be born.



  • office: 914-737-0344
  • P.O Box 468, Peekskill NY, 10566 (Mailing Address)
  • 826 South Street, Peekskill NY, 10566
    (Physical Address)


Monday 10:00am – 3:00pm
Tuesday 10:00am – 3:00pm
Wednesday Bilingual Volunteer
9:30am – 3pm
Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm
Bilingual Volunteer
Friday Closed
Saturday  Bilingual Volunteers: 11am – 1pm (One Saturday a month, mothers to be notified monthly by text with date)
Sunday Closed

BIRTHRIGHT OF PEEKSKILL IS HERE FOR THE COMMUNITY DURING THESE CHALLENGING TIMES. For the health and safety of everyone, all visitors to the office are asked to wear a face mask, including children over age 2. If you are in need of assistance after office hours, please call our office at 914 737-0344, leave a message with your name and phone number and a volunteer will get back to you within 24 hours.

What does Birthright actually do?

Birthright’s mission is to provide caring, non-judgmental love and support to pregnant women in crisis situations. We believe it is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth and the right of every child to be born.

People are always surprised to learn this is not true. We are non-denominational. We are not affiliated with any religious organization and we assist women of all faiths. We do receive a tremendous amount of support from Catholic Churches as well as other Christian churches and religious organizations because of the work we do to encourage women to have their babies. However, we also get referrals from many different non-religious sources including public schools, case management agencies and the local health center. We strive to help any woman who walks in our door. We do not speak about religious or spiritual matters unless the woman brings it up. 

We are non- judgmental. We do encourage the pregnant women who come to us to have their babies. We educate them on the many ways we can offer support so they do not feel they are alone. We also inform them about available resources so they can see that their situation is not hopeless. We are not in the business of judging people. We strive to build relationships with our mothers so they feel they have someone who cares about them. If we know one of our mothers went through with an abortion, we would truly mourn with them. However, we would still offer them the same degree of love, compassion and friendship on which we pride ourselves. We also encourage them to seek out post-abortion counseling and have information on those resources available in the office. We absolutely do not tell them they are going to hell!

Birthright is completely non-political. We do not lobby or participate in any protests, marches or speeches of a political nature. We do, however value the life of an unborn child and encourage our pregnant mothers to have their babies.

No one involved with Birthright of Peekskill including Board Members, Directors and office volunteers receives a salary. The only exception is the person who comes in to clean the office and take out the garbage and his wage is minimal. Anyone affiliated with our Birthright chapter gives the gift of their time and their desire to truly help women in difficult situations. We believe in the work we do to encourage women to have their babies. This is done with the heart and not because of any financial reward. We also operate entirely on donations. We do not have any other source of funding.

We are hopeful that by addressing these uninformed ideas head on that we can better educate and serve our community and hopefully reach more women who needs our help. We will also include this information in our literature when we attend events with other organizations. As always, we thank you for your support to our mission to help mothers and their babies and to educate the community about our work.